Even weird 3D shapes looks very cool. You don´t always have to have a blueprint of what you want to create

Create cool looking weapons for your games or sell them and make some money??

Another weird shape, but with some good materials on, some good lightning - You can get a really good render fairly quickly out of it.

Sci-fi Devices is always a big hit and is actually some of the easiest way of starting to learn modelling inside blender, some say its the complex side of it, you will be the judge of that. That is an approach I use lot

I am skilled in various software packages

             Welcome to              BILVERDY.DK

This is  your ONLINE resource, primarily for beginners that has started to dive into the wonderful world of video editing, Game art, 3D modeling and Gaming- But rest a sure that even novice can learn a trick or two.

With just two software packages we can create stunning live graphics. You will quickly learn to make your own cool looking 3D models made in Blender and maybe even use them in a Game Engine like Unity.

Mean while enjoy all the tutorials and resources on the site.
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Hamid Rohi-Bilverdy

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