Dismember BodyParts – Blender & BlazeAI & FPS Engine (TUTORIAL)
February 3, 2017

JU TPS 3 & Emerald AI 2024 TUTORIAL
February 3, 2017fdsfsf
Malbers Animal Controller TUTORIAL
Hello guys
This tutorial is little more than an hour long. Use the timestamps for viewing a specific topic. Originally I wanted to record this for myself as a reference to come back to as this asset is massive. Then I thought others might find something here useful as well, so I decided to make a series of it.
As mentioned above, Malbers Animal Controller and Horse AnimSet Pro are a massive product, its much more than “just” an animal controller.
There are so many useful components in here for any game, its bacsilly a full framework – Remember its not a controller for animal only but also for humanoid / Generic rigs.
So much have gone into this asset, Malbers is wonderful and very talented designer, his animations and models are out of this world. I try cover basic as saw I needed them, such as replacing characters, weapons , how to deal and take damage, UI health system , adding animations, effects and touching small ground on the AI system .
Hope you find this useful
Cheers Hamid